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2024년4월25일 목요일 23:58:22
Home아카이브포럼・외국“A laudable attempt to reenergize vision of 21st century Korea” - by...

“A laudable attempt to reenergize vision of 21st century Korea” – by pritam Singh

“A laudable attempt to reenergize that vision in the context of 21st century Korea”



I applaud the launch of the journal Minzok Ilbo. The launch of this progressive journal is an honour to the memory of Cho Young-soo’s sacrifice and vision of a progressive Korea. It is also a laudable attempt to reenergise that vision in the context of 21st century Korea.


A progressive, egalitarian and democratic Korea will play a critical role in shaping a new and progessive vision in Asia and would contribute to strengthening the progressive and democratic forces all over the world that are trying to build an alternative to the unjust global order based on the neo-liberal capitalist perspective.


I send my best wishes for the success of this journal.

Pritam Singh,

Professor at Oxford Brooks University



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