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2024년4월20일 토요일 17:53:47
Home아카이브포럼・외국“Express my solidarity with the struggle of the Corean people” - Demba...

“Express my solidarity with the struggle of the Corean people” – Demba Moussa Dembélé

“Express my solidarity with the struggle of the Corean people”


I thank you very for your invitation to be a guest editorialist for your journal “Minzok iIbo”

This is an honor that I accept with a great pleasure.


I wish you great success for the Journal and all other endeavors

I express my sincere and deep solidarity with the struggle of the Corean people for democracy, social progress and peaceful reunification

I will always be by your side because we are defending the same cause against capitalism and imperialism


Long live the solidarity between the Corean and African people!



Demba Moussa Dembélé,

Chairman of the WSF Dakar 2011 organizing committee


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