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2024년4월20일 토요일 4:11:49
Home아카이브포럼・외국“An important launch, linking up strivings of today and tomorrow” - by...

“An important launch, linking up strivings of today and tomorrow” – by Göran Therborn

“An important launch, linking up strivings of today and tomorrow”


In the beginning of the 21st century, the recent global expoansion of capitalism and its current crisis are increasing the salience of class worldwide. A new international journal devoted to workers’ interests and workers’ rights is therefore a laudable initiative.


I did not know Cho Young-soo, but someone who was executed for his political views deserves the human respect of all, and someone who was killed for his progressive views against corruption, for workers’ rights, and for a peaceful solution to national division has earned the political respect of all progressives.


In this sense, Minzok Ilbo is an important launch, linking up not only with new media technology but also, as far as I understand, with the new radical, democratic political discussion and strivings of today and tomorrow.




Göran Therborn,

Professor at Cambridge University

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