15.3 C
2024년4월20일 토요일 11:31:49


Association Nationale des Communistes Speech In Belgrade Conference: Resistance Against War And Imperialism Is The Urgency Of The Moment

I am coming from a country with a strong colonial and imperialist past, I am coming from a country where « socialist » MPs...

PRCF Speech In Belgrade Conference: Once Again, Belgrade Rises

Once Again, Belgrade Rises Dear comrades,  I am particularly happy to come here, I was even fervently hoping to come here, because since the leaden blanket...

Korea is One Speech In Belgrade Conference: From Belgrade To Donbas: The Rising Tide Of The Anti-Imperialist Movement Korea is One Speech In Belgrade Conference:

On May 2nd, 1999, from the NATO-headquarters in Brussels, orders were given to bomb Yugoslavia. On the same day, also in Brussels, not far from...

Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan Speech In Belgrade Conference: Global Ecological Crisis Of Capitalism And Ways To Address Them

Global Ecological Crisis Of Capitalism And Ways To Address Them Dear comrades! I am glad to greet you all on behalf of Kyrgyzstan’s communists and...

CPSU Speech In Belgrade Conference: The Road to Peace and Socialism Today Lies through Repulsing Neo-Fascism

The Road to Peace and Socialism Today Lies through Repulsing Neo-Fascism  Having defeated in fierce battles and with great human and material losses german and...

Observatory Institution of the US Military Alliance Speech In Belgrade Conference: U.S.-South Korea-Japan Military Alliance Brings War to East Asia

1. In Europe, Japan, and South Korea, which have military alliances with the US, the influence of Western media is vital. However, since Russia’s...

Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia Speech In Belgrade Conference

Dear Comrades and Friends! Capitalism is in a deep, prolonged crisis, and we can see militarist tendencies emerging once more. This is a dangerous situation...

Communist Party (Italy) Speech In Belgrade Conference: Nato’s war drive threatens to engulf Europe

Dear comrades, the situation in the world, and particularly in Europe, is becoming more and more serious. The dangers of war soar, while the European popular...

Italian Communist Party Speech In Belgrade Conference

Dear comrades and dear organizers, As Italian Communist Party (reborn in 2016, after that the historic structure changed name and nature in 1991), we are...

Message of the Communist Party of Switzerland to the Belgrade Conference

Unfortunately, preparations for an election campaign that will take us a great deal of time, prevent our Party from attending this important meeting. We...

Brazilian Communist Party Speech In Belgrade Conference

Dear comrades: The Brazilian Communist Party – PCB – welcomes the organizers and all participants of the Belgrade International Conference. We consider this initiative to...

Chilean Communist Party (Acción Proletaria) Speech In Belgrade Conference

Dear Comrades, On behalf of the entire Chilean Communist Party (Acción Proletaria), the Central Committee and our first secretary Eduardo Artés, I offer my sincere...

United Socialist Party of Venezuela(PSUV) Speech In Belgrade Conference

Estimados compatriotas integrantes de la plataforma antimperialista convocada para tal fin en la ciudad de Belgrado reciban un saludo revolucionario del pueblo de la...

Communist Party of Poland Speech In Belgrade Conference

Comrades, First we would like to thank the organizers for invitation to that important event. We would like to express our solidarity with a communist...

Levica(Macedonia) Speech In Belgrade Conference

The end of the Cold War to the politically and ideologically united Balkan people and nationalities meant entry into conflicts led by the new...

New Communist Party of Montenegro Speech In Belgrade Conference: The rising tide of global war and the tasks of anti-imperialists

Dear comrades, I greet you all on behalf of the New Communist Party of Montenegro and I would like to thank the hosts for organising...

Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia Speech In Belgrade Conference: The role of the Yugoslav space in the context of the imperialist campaign to the...

Dear comrades, Allow me to express my congratulation to the organizers of this gathering, on their laudable initiative, and my gratitude for granting me the...

Vanguardia Española Speech In Belgrade Conference: Errant War and Liberal Imperialism

Dear comrades: We are not going to surprise anyone if we point out that if the USA has stood out for something above other nations...

Hungarian Workers’ Party Speech In Belgrade Conference

On behalf of the Hungarian Workers Party, thank you for the invitation. We thank the organisers for their hospitality, and their work, they have...

Baltic Platform Speech In Belgrade Conference

Dear comrades, The forces led by the US are directly involved in initiating and escalating events that strongly impact the conditions of working class people...

세계반제공동행동 대구대회 〈전세계미군기지철거!〉

12월17일 세계반제공동행동의 날을 맞아 베오그라드 중심의 세계 30여개도시에서 세계반제플랫포옴(The World Anti-imperialist Platform) 주최의 세계동시다발반제투쟁이 전개되고 있다.  대구미군기지 캠프워커앞에서는 16일 11시부터 세계반제공동행동 대구대회가 진행됐다.  시작에 앞서 참가자들은...

세계반제공동행동 강원정선대회 〈제국주의전쟁에 비협조!〉

12월17일 세계반제공동행동의 날을 맞아 베오그라드 중심의 세계 30여개도시에서 세계반제플랫포옴(The World Anti-imperialist Platform) 주최의 세계동시다발반제투쟁이 전개되고 있다.  남코리아에서는 가장 먼저 접경지역이자 분단된 유일한 도인 강원도에서 투쟁이...

세계반제공동행동 강원양구대회 〈미제국주의전쟁책동반대!〉

12월17일 세계반제공동행동의 날을 맞아 베오그라드 중심의 세계 30여개도시에서 세계반제플랫포옴(The World Anti-imperialist Platform) 주최의 세계동시다발반제투쟁이 전개되고 있다.  남코리아에서는 가장 먼저 접경지역이자 분단된 유일한 도인 강원도에서 투쟁이...

〈The World Anti-imperialist Platform〉 2022파리국제컨퍼런스 개최 

2022파리국제컨퍼런스가 지난 10월14일 파리시내 프랑스농업아카데미(Académie d’Agriculture de France)에서 열렸다.  지난 5월28일 국제컨퍼런스에 이어 개최된 이번 파리국제컨퍼런스는 <The World Anti-imperialist Platform>이라는 주제를 가지고 아시아·유럽·남미·아프리카 등 전세계25개국...


L’impérialisme est la phase monopoliste du capitalisme industriel, la fusion du capital bancaire avec le capital industriel dominé par une oligarchie mondiale. Les anciens...

Speech of Baltic Platform

Уважаемые участники конференции! Мы благодарим организаторов за приглашение участвовать в работе конференции.  Для нашей делегации большое значение имеет возможность лично общаться с представителями дружественных партий...

Speech of Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia

The last three decades in the Czech Republic have been marked by the counterrevolutionary overthrow of socialism: destruction of the common federal socialist state...

Speech of Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia

Dear Comrades, on behalf of the Socialist Workers’ Party and on my own behalf, I greet all participants in the conference and I thank...

Speech of Vanguardia Española

Dear Comrades,We are pleased to be invited by you to this event. In Vanguardia Española, we support the independence of every nation in the world,...

Communist Party of Poland, “Theses on Contemporary Imperialism”

Comrades, first we would like to thank you for the invitation and the opportunity to share our views at this important meeting. We have...

Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist), “How can we unite the world forces against imperialist crisis and war?”

In the conditions of the deepest ever crisis of the global capitalist system, and the consequent drive towards world war, one question urgently faces...


Dear comrades, First of all I would like to thank the organizers of this meeting and their fraternal resoluteness.Mine are not customary thanks. I believe...

Speech of New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

Dear comrades,I greet you all on behalf of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia. I would like to use this opportunity to say that...

Speech of Solidarité Africaine pour la Démocratie et l’Indépendance

Déclaration du parti Sadi du Mali au Congrès International du 14 octobre 2022 Depuis plusieurs décennies, le monde entier fait face à une crise profonde...

Speech of Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France

Chers camarades, Le 24 février dernier, la Russie a renversé la table. Elle a entrepris de tout faire pour briser l’encerclement. Lorsque je songe aux...

Speech of Party for Socialism and Liberation

Thank you to our comrades in the PDP for their hard work organizing this event, and just as importantly for their vision of international...

Speech of Russian Communist Workers Party of the Soviet Union

Пленума ЦК РКРП-КПСС от 9 октября 2022 г. Грозящая пята фашизма и задачи коммунистов О справедливом характере антифашистской борьбы и использовании временных союзов и тактики общих...

Speech of Belarusian Republican Organization of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Уважаемые товарищи! Мы, граждане Республики Беларусь, члены БРО КПСС обращаемся к пролетариям физического и умственного труда, их союзникам – трудовому крестьянству, народной интеллигенции, а также...

Speech of Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan

Уважаемые товарищи! Искренне рада высказать свои позиции по необходимости создания антиимпериалистической платформы в современных условиях! Если обратимся к нашим классикам: марксизму-ленинизму, мы прекрасно знаем...

Belgium-Korea Friendship Association, “Resist US-led war!”

1. The origin and the nature of this war: a US-led aggressive, imperialist war.  Today, from US-imperialism (directed by a small group of people, the...

Frelimo, “Communism and Anti-imperialism Perspective”

First and foremost, in my personal name and in the of all the youth, I would like to thank for this opportunity to talk...

Association Nationale des Communistes, “Impérialisme : Savoir distinguer l’ennemi principal et mener une politique de Front uni des pays et des peuples opprimés”

À l’heure où le danger d’une guerre mondiale nucléaire menace l’humanité entière, à cause de la crise civilisationnelle d’un capitalisme tardif qui apparaît aujourd’hui...

Speech of Popular Front

When the crisis between Ukraine and Russia last February entered its current phase, marked by the start of the “special operation” of Russian troops...

Rete dei Comunisti, “Towards an Anti-Imperialist Platform”

We thank the comrades of the People’s Democracy Party (PDP) of South Korea for the invitation to this international conference and for calling numerous...

Speech of Hungarian Workers’ Party

Dear comrades, dear friends, On behalf of the Hungarian Workers’ Party, I would like to thank you for the invitation. I would like to thank...

Association d’amitié franco-coréenne, “Unir les forces anti-impérialistes est vital”

Au début des années 1990, le gouvernement américain avait exposé, dans ses Directives pour le plan de défense (Defense Planning Guidance, DPG) pour les...

Speech of Italian Communist Party

Dear comrades, It is with great pleasure that I bring greetings to this internationalist and anti-imperialist conference on the part of the Italian Communist Party...

Parti Communiste (Suisse), “Le rôle des marxistes dans le nouveau siècle pour la construction multipolaire et la justice sociale”

Chers camaradesChers organisateurs de cette importante rencontre, chers partis et mouvements venus de tous les continents; Je crois que la première chose à dire est...

코리아국제포럼코오디네이터 “세계반제플랫포옴으로 – 현정세와 국제공동주의세력의 당면과업”

세계반제플랫포옴으로 – 현정세와 국제공동주의세력의 당면과업 동유럽에서 전쟁이 진행되고있고 동아시아에서 전쟁이 시작되기직전인 오늘 어느때보다도 공동주의세력을 비롯한 세계반제세력의 단결과 실천투쟁을 위해 다음과 같은 이론실천적문제에 올바른 해답을 찾는것이...

Paris Declaration: The rising tide of global war and the tasks of anti-imperialists

Paris Declaration: The rising tide of global war and the tasks of anti-imperialists We stand at a moment of grave peril for workers and oppressed...